Wednesday, July 12, 2006

I had to argue with a contractor over a parking space. We both had our signals on (for a fucking parking space. Ha!) and I pulled into the space and parked. Instead of looking for another, he waited behind me until I got out of my car and yelled "Hey man, that's not cool. Johnny Five, that's not cool" (presumably, he had read my rear plate).

I shrugged and he yelled again, "We were here first, man" to which I replied "No, I was."

Tired of the whole issue, I kept walking, shrugged one last time, and said "It's a crowded parking lot, dude."

Then he got behind me in line at the Chick-Fil-A.

Parking lot anarchy, ftw.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Least he didn't do what my Spanish teacher did...

So it's senior year after senior classes are over, though our work-project is still going on (seniors get out of class 2 weeks early so we can intern for 40hrs somewhere to get business experience... something like that). I come in to the parking lot to my usual (assigned) space... I find that it's taken. (Apparently after classes are over the senior parking spaces are fair game.) Seeing nothing to remedy the situation, and a parking lot full of cars, I park my car in the one empty space- the one reserved for my Spanish teacher. It's in a corner so there's a curb on two sides and a car on one. I turn in my work-project form, see a few friends, and go to leave. My Spanish teacher's parked her car directly behind mine so my car is now bordered on all sides!

And she's busy with classes for hours, so I end up hanging around there until I finally catch her at a free moment. She ends up asking me stuff like, "didn't you know that was my parking space?", "why would you park there?", "you're never parking in my space again, are you?" Basically trying to be as difficult as she can before moving her car so I can go.

Meh. I suppose I *did* steal her spot, essentially, but I wasn't gonna be very long and there *is* a parking lot reserved for teachers. If she wanted a space that badly she could have just used the one allotted to her.

Heh. Hi. I'm Aarthi. Lol just realized I told an entry-long story without introducing myself. I'm a friend of Alan's, hence me reading this blog. I'm surprised I haven't met you yet, they say I know everyone! Well, I guess it's just more reason for Alan to finally invite me to his room for once...

10:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha you said ftw

11:56 PM  

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