Thursday, October 06, 2005

Uhh, so this isn't really a post. I'm just wondering where everybody in my suite went. It's a Thursday night, you guys. Where's the pre-weekend spirit? Where's the excitement? I drank half a bottle of wine by myself. I wanted to share, I really did, but there was no one around to share it with.

Fonz, you're probably at the damn mall, but fuck if I know where Vlad and Alan are.

If I find out that you guys were off doing homework somewhere, so help me God...

Fucking Thursday night, doggies. Check your calendar some time.



Blogger Alan Orlanski said...

It's not a typical weekend, Chaz. We (yes, WE) have a psych test in the morning, and then my parents are coming into town at around 2pm. I'm not going to have time to think, let alone drink.

By the way, are your folks coming for parents' weekend?


11:36 PM  

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